The Center for Autonomous Vehicles and Sensor Systems (CANVASS), a center of the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), is leading cutting-edge research into the rapidly expanding field of Unmanned Systems. CANVASS aims to unify research and development of autonomous vehicles and systems for the purpose of better serving the state and nation. CANVASS is a multi-laboratory center with investigators in various departments within TEES and the Texas A&M University College of Engineering.
- Collaborative platform
- Autonomous vehicles
- Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)
- Ground vehicle test tracks
- Artificial intelligence/robotics/machine learning
- Research areas
- Autonomous ground vehicles (shuttles, cars, trucks)
- Safety for autonomous vehicles – virtual, scaled, Slow moving, cars, trucks
- Infrastructure-enabled autonomy
- Air and ground vehicle, and sensor development platforms and test beds
- Cybersecurity
- Artificial intelligence/machine learning/robotics
- Enable collaborative efforts across departments
- Leverage strength in infrastructure, vehicles, systems and algorithms